Diablo III Auction House FAQ by Blizzard

We all know that Blizzard will be giving players the opportunity to make some cash from the items they find in the game through the real-money auction house, but it seems like there will be huge cuts going towards Blizzard and PayPal. Details after the break.

Via Side Mission:

With Diablo III set to finally launch in just two weeks, potential players may have questions about one of the more controversial components of the action role-playing game: the Diablo III Auction House. That’s where players can exchange in-game gold or real world currency (dollars, euros, pesos, etc.) for weapons, armor and items.

It’s also where Blizzard and PayPal are going to make a lot of money in transaction fees.

Blizzard will be taking, at a minimum, a buck off the top of every Diablo III Auction House item transaction when players exchange real money. Sales of commodities, like gems, materials, recipes, will come with a 15% Blizzard tax. PayPal takes a cut too.

Beyond the cash costs associated with selling gear and goods in Diablo III, the new how-to on the Auction House touches on some important details. All auctions last 48 hours and players can have up to 10 auctions going at once. Buyers can pay for items via PayPal and credit card. Everyone who takes part in the real money Auction House “may be required” to use the Battle.net Authenticator for security reasons.

Hit up the official FAQ that Blizzard put up on their site.


2 responses

  1. When the chinese farmer becomes the company itself….

  2. بسنى فلوس يا بلزرد

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