Get Into Steam’s Treasure Hunt!

If you have a Steam account visit their Store to partake in a treasure hunt! This event will be held in intervals, where each one will have specific objectives for you to complete. The more objectives you complete, the higher the chance you get to win.

You may be a winner of 100 games of your choice!

Current objectives set for the time period between the 6th and 7th December:

1. Set up an avatar on your Steam profile
2. Become a Desert Fox in R.U.S.E.
3. Unlock the Iron Curtain in Poker Night
4. Set a leaderbord score of at least 1,124,400 in easy mode for the ‘Paul Hartnoll’ level in Chime

The objectives will change tomorrow, you may check here for more information. Get hunting!

Treasure Hunt image courtesy of Steam’s Store.

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