Third Party Add-on Battery Provides You With 10 Hours of 3DS Play Time

Japan Trust Technology is offering quite a pricey add-on that advertises 10 hours of play time for the Nintendo 3DS.

More info and images after the jump!

Via Andriasang:

JTT’s expanded battery device, released today, gives your 3DS 5,800mAh, 4.4 times the system’s standard battery. Your 3DS will become 9mm thicker, but JTT says you’ll get over 10 hours play time.

The battery is available in two sets: with white, red and pink covers for ¥9,980, and with blue and black covers for ¥9,480.

Access the product information page for ordering instructions and pics showing how to swap out the battery.

For around KD36 you can get 10 hours of play time for the 3DS. Is it worth it? The plus side for me is that it doesn’t look like a cheap add-on, looks elegant though it might add a little more weight and makes your handheld a little thicker. Guess it’ll make a difference for the heavy-duty 3DS users.

If you decide to add this battery add-on you can probably forget using the circle pad too since it’ll close up the space to install it.


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